Couples Therapy

How did you two get here?

Day after day. You return home with your partner, carry out your routine, and feel… bored.

Finally, some time to connect with your partner!

However, it feels distant – and there’s some conflict that makes this time feel awful.

You long for the days of warm, spontaneous embraces.

The path of life has created some distance between the two of you.

You daydream of those happy memories, the connection, the feeling of love.

You want more attention.

Will there ever be time for you both? When?

Is it really all gone?

Your conversations stall.

No spark, no excitement – everything’s become mundane.

You can’t remember the last time you were on the same page.

And your family is picking up that things aren’t ok.

You want to rewrite your story.

But how?

How can you rekindle the love you once celebrated every day?

How do you re-establish that connection – the bond that allowed you to finish each other’s thoughts?

That’s where Couples Therapy – and we – come in.

Couples Therapy provides a safe space where you both can work through these times – where you can both be heard.

Together, we’ll process and understand what has created this divide.

We’ll create a chance to rekindle those fluttering hearts you once had every time you were together.

Get your relationship back in balance!

Every partnership has its original strengths.

They just get lost, sometimes, in the evolution of life.

Learn to reconnect that deeper feeling with each other. Work on ways to communicate. Learn skills to deal with stressful times.

Mapping out your new path.

Using interventions backed by evidence, I’ll guide you on this new trajectory in your relationship.

We’ll reflect on the good times, identify where they fell off, and identify new skills to sustain your path.

We will get you back as a couple!

Understanding what your partner is thinking or experiencing will help you gain perspective.

As you each grow with new awareness, we’ll re-ignite those fluttering hearts every time you’re together.

No more yelling. No more crying. No more drifting further apart.

Together, we’ll work on regulating your emotional selves.

Don’t allow this opportunity to slip through your fingers.

Start getting back in stride with each other. Revel in your newfound connection.

Sound your voices confidently – and feel truly heard.

Let’s explore how we can help your relationship.