Narrative Therapy

Tired of the same old life story?

Lately, you’ve noticed a pattern – you can see it and feel it. You’re repeatedly experiencing the same old situations in your life.

Confined within the ruts of familiarity, you keep ending up in the same space – no matter what you do.

You always seem to take on more than you can humanly accomplish – only to leave yourself feeling inferior, unworthy, scorched by the sting of failure.

Why can’t you find happiness?

You feel bruised, beaten up, broken down – by your self-sabotaging inner monologue: “Can’t you get anything right?”

You wouldn’t dare let anyone see the depths of your self-abuse. But there they live, deep inside you – the sprawling, swollen blotches of self-inflected purple and black.

You’ve lost control over your life, and you just don’t know how you can ever escape.

But you can get your power back.

Narrative Therapy will help you build a respectful and nonjudgmental culture – toward yourself.

We’ll work together to tell your life stories – all of them. We’ll learn from the recurring themes and discover how they’ve impacted your self-talk.

And we’ll tackle each negative thought. You’ll challenge yourself to change – for good. You’ll realize how infused you’ve been to the problem and, more importantly, how to differentiate – and separate – yourself from it.

During this process, we’ll unleash your new perspective – and the empowerment that’s always been there inside you.

That power can be intimidating at first. But embrace it, anyway.

Thinking about telling your life stories may feel overwhelming – change can be that way.

We’ll deconstruct each story – one by one – like chapters in the overarching novel of your life.

First, we’ll focus on smaller, key stories – similarities, patterns. And our journey will produce insight, confidence, and resolve.

You will see you have options, choices – you don’t have to settle for a predetermined ending. We’ll discover those internal skills you have, and we’ll cultivate emotional tools to give you relief.

We’ll rewrite your narrative – because you are not broken.

You’ll feel relief. You’ll breathe lightly again.

With the weight lifted from your shoulders, you’ll feel balanced and revitalized, even enthusiastic – as you look toward the future.

A future you’ve crafted for yourself.

Let’s pick up the pen and rewrite your story. Contact us today for a free 15-minute consultation.